London, 6 November 1938 - Personal correspondence Roland Penrose's letter to Pablo Picasso, dated 6 November 1938
Taos (New Mexico), 2014 - Photograph Demonstration against the occupation of Gaza with a replica banner of Guernica
Taos (New Mexico), 2014 - Photograph Preparing the banner against the occupation of Gaza with a replica of Guernica
July-September 2014 - Magazines Guernica on the street during the Transition to, and early years of, democracy in Spain
Los Angeles, July 2014 - Photograph Ernest Rosenthal, a Holocaust survivor, at the demonstration of solidarity with Gaza
Gothenburg, 26 January 1938 - Institutional correspondence Tor Bjurstöm's letter to Sven Strindberg, dated 26 January 1938
Barcelona, 2 December 1938 - Institutional correspondence Letter from Manuel Sánchez Arcas to José Prat
Grenoble, 2 August 2014 - Photograph Pro-Palestinian demonstration against Israel's military operation in Gaza
21 December 2014 - Photograph Demonstration againt the Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana, also known as "ley mordaza"
2 December 1938 - Institutional correspondence The National Committee for Spanish Aid's letter to Pablo Picasso
Oslo, 1938 - Exhibition catalogue Catalogue of the exhibition Henri Matisse, Picasso, G. Braque, Laurens at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
1938 - Institutional correspondence Correspondence between Liljevalchs Konsthall, Stockholm, and other institutions