Mougins, 14 November 1970 - Institutional correspondence Pablo Picasso's letter to the New York's Museum of Modern Art
MoMA, New York, January 8, 1970 - Photograph The Art Workers' Coalition and Guerrilla Art Action Group protest in front of Guernica
New York, March 11, 1970 - Petition A petition from the Art Workers' Coalition to remove Guernica from the galleries of the museum
Paris, 27 February 1958 - Institutional correspondence Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler's letter to Alfred H. Barr Jr., dated 27 February 1958
New York, 18 April 1958 - Institutional correspondence A telegram from Alfred H. Barr Jr. to Pablo Picasso, dated 18 April 1958
ca. 1958 - Internal institutional documents Request sheet for the replica Guernica tapestry, to be included in the exhibition La influencia del cubismo en el diseño de tapices (The Influence of Cubism in Tapestry Designs), in Arras
New York, 27 February 1970 - Personal correspondence A letter from Meyer Schapiro to Alfred H. Barr Jr.
New York, February 24, 1970 - Letter A letter from Walter Bareiss and Robert Von Berg to Wilder Green
New York, January 22, 1970 - Letter A letter from the Operating Committee of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, to Joan Snyder
London, 7 March 1958 - Management of reproduction rights A letter from Diana K. Watson to Richard Griffith