15 January 1940 - Internal museum documents Circulating exhibition catalogue for Picasso: Forty Years of His Art (second edition), between the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
New York, 1941–1942 - Internal museum documents Checklist for the circulating exhibition Picasso: Epochs in His Art
CBS Radio Network, November 24, 1969 - Radio broadcast Interview with Paul Meadlo on his role in the alleged massacre of civilians at Songmy (My Lai)
The New York Times, New York, November 25, 1969, 16 - Transcription “Transcript of an Interview with a Vietnam War Veteran on His Role in the Alleged Massacre of Civilians at Songmy”
Cleveland, November 20, 1969 - Photograph An officer-training candidate looking at photographs of My Lai published in The Plain Dealer
<em>St. Louis Post-Dispatch</em>, Saint-Louis, November 13, 1969, front page and inside pages - Article “Lieutenant Accused of Murdering 109 Civilians”
Cover of <em>Newsweek</em>, New York, December 8, 1969 - Magazine “The Killings at Song My. Accused: Lt. William L. Calley Jr.”
New York, November 10, 1967 - Petition A Call for the Immediate Resignation of all the Rockefellers from the Museum of Modern Art’s Board of Trustees
Cover of <em>Time</em>, New York, December 5, 1969 - Magazine “THE MASSACRE. Where Does the Guilt Lie?”
<em>The New York Times</em>, New York, September 28, 1969, section D, 35 - Article “Keeping Art On The Streets”