Mougins, 14 November 1970 - Institutional correspondence Pablo Picasso's letter to the New York's Museum of Modern Art
MoMA, New York, January 8, 1970 - Photograph The Art Workers' Coalition and Guerrilla Art Action Group protest in front of Guernica
New York, March 11, 1970 - Petition A petition from the Art Workers' Coalition to remove Guernica from the galleries of the museum
New York, 27 February 1970 - Personal correspondence A letter from Meyer Schapiro to Alfred H. Barr Jr.
Madrid, 22 April 1970 - Internal institutional documents Pablo Picasso is awarded the Gold Medal of Merit in the Fine Arts
Cover of <em>Esquire: The Magazine for Men</em>, New York, November 1, 1970 - Magazine “The Confessions of Lt. Calley”
Cover of <em>Life</em>, New York, May 15, 1970 - Magazine “Tragedy at Kent. Cambodia and Dissent: The Crisis of Presidential Leadership”
New York, February 24, 1970 - Letter A letter from Walter Bareiss and Robert Von Berg to Wilder Green
New York, January 22, 1970 - Letter A letter from the Operating Committee of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, to Joan Snyder
Kynaston L. McShine (ed.), <em>Information</em>, exh. cat., New York: MoMA, 1970, 57 - Catalogue “Proposal: Poll of MoMA Visitors”
Kynaston L. McShine (ed.), <em>Information</em>, exh. cat., New York: MoMA, 181 (bottom) - Catalogue Illustration of Q. And babies? A. And babies.
Department of the Army, Washington D.C., March 14, 1970 - Government report Report of the Department of the Army Review of the Preliminary Investigations into the My Lai Incident
Mougins, 23 February 1970 - Personal correspondence A donation document for early works conserved by Picasso’s family and signed by the artist
Mougins, 10 December 1970 - Personal correspondence A telegram Mariano Miguel, Picasso’s secretary, sent to Raimon Noguera to request the cancellation of the opening ceremony for the expansion of Museo Picasso