Madrid, 12 February 1976 - Institutional correspondence A letter from the director-general of Cultural Heritage
Madrid, 16 February 1976 - Institutional correspondence A report from the National Commission of Artistic Heritage on the documents needed to recover Guernica.
16 February 1976 - Institutional correspondence Report for the National Commission of Artistic Heritage
Cambridge (Massachusetts), 23 December 1976 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Josep Lluís Sert to Herschel B. Chipp
Madrid, 22 April 1976 - Internal institutional documents A report by Joaquín de la Puente on the ownership of Guernica and the negotiation possibilities with the Museum of Modern Art, New York
6 June 1976 - Newspapers The civil servants who asked for Guernica to be donated to the UN are received by the King
21 May 1976 - Personal correspondence Letter from Tomàs Llorens to Claude Picasso within the context of the Venice Biennale