Madrid, 5 November 1980 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Íñigo Cavero to Blanche de Philip P. Weisberg (Blanche Mahler)
1980 - Internal institutional documents Report by the Management Board of Artistic Heritage, Archives and Museums on the moral rights and legislation with regard to Guernica
Madrid, 11 December 1980 - Internal institutional documents Javier Tusell's report on negotiations for the transfer of Guernica
April, 1980 (original from 1957) - Magazines The Picasso Summer. He could say the man's name once, in a whisper, to himself
Madrid, 13 November 1980 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Javier Tusell to Íñigo Cavero, dated 13 November 1980
Madrid, 17 September 1980 - Institutional correspondence A letter from José Mario Armero to Íñigo Cavero
Madrid, September 1980 - Internal institutional documents A report on the requirements for the transfer of Guernica from New York to Spain
New York, 19 May 1980 - Institutional correspondence William Rubin's letter to Rafael Fernández Quintanilla, dated 19 May 1980
New York, 17 June 1980 - Institutional correspondence William Rubin's letter to Rafael Fernández Quintanilla, dated 17 June 1980
New York, 20 March 1980 - Internal institutional documents An agreement to deliver Guernica to the Spanish government
From 1 to 7 May 1980 - Magazines 1920-1980. 60th Anniversary of the PCE (the Communist Party of Spain)