New York, 15 December 1939 - Institutional correspondence Alfred H. Barr Jr.'s telegram to Pablo Picasso, dated 15 December 1939
New York, 9 September 1981 - Institutional correspondence An internal letter from Richard E. Oldenburg to staff at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
New York, 8 April 1981 - Press release and communication A press release from New York's Museum of Modern Art concerning a Spanish delegation's request to send Guernica to Spain
New York, 16 October 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 16 October 1981
New York, 16 October 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 16 October 1981
New York, 16 October 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 16 October 1981
30 October 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Richard E. Oldenburg, dated 30 October 1981
New York, 9 September 1981 - Press release and communication A press release from the Museum of Modern Art, New York, on the transfer day of Guernica
9 September 1981 - Internal museum documents Internal communiqué from Richard Oldenburg, director of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, on the departure of Guernica
New York, 6 July 1939 - Institutional correspondence Alfred H. Barr Jr.'s letter to Pablo Picasso, dated 6 July 1939
1939 - Institutional correspondence Correspondence between the Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign and Alfred H. Barr Jr.
Los Angeles, 1939 - Invitation Invitation to the opening of the exhibition Picasso's Masterpiece. Guernica and 63 Related Paintings and Drawings at the Stendahl Art Galleries
New York, 27 January 1939 - Institutional correspondence Alfred H. Barr Jr.'s letter to Meric Callery
New York, 15 November 1939 - Institutional correspondence Alfred H. Barr Jr.'s telegram to Pablo Picasso, dated 15 November 1939
6 November 1939 - Press release and communication Final paintings arrive from Europe in time for big Picasso exhibition at Museum of Modern Art
New York, 1937 - Photograph View of the work Guernica shown at the exhibition Picasso: Forty Years of His Artat the Museum of Modern Art, New York
New York, 8 September 1981 - Photograph The Museum staff before Pablo Picasso's Guernica' prior to its shipment to Spain
ca. 1981 - Newspapers The Guernica Imbroglio. Al international Tug-of-War over Picasso's Protest Painting