Madrid, 1981 - Internal museum documents Record sheet of the entry of Guernica into the Casón del Buen Retiro, Madrid
Madrid, 1981 - Internal institutional documents A letter about the exhibition at the Casón del Buen Retiro
Madrid, 31 July, and Cambridge, Massachusetts, 31 August 1981 - Institutional correspondence Álvaro Martínez Novillo's letter to Josep Lluís Sert, with reply
Madrid, 29 May and 10 June 1981 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Felipe Cons Gorostola to Álvaro Martínez Novillo, and reply
New York, 1981 - Photograph A group of people slide Guernica across the floor in the Museum of Modern Art, New York
New York, 1981 - Photograph Workers closing the wooden box containing the Guernica canvas at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
Madrid, 7 and 19 January 1981 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Enrique Calduch to Javier Tusell