2004 - Photograph Maya Picasso and Diana Widmeyer Picasso contemplate the Guernica tapestry at Atelier Picasso, Paris
Palma de Mallorca, 2004 - Photograph Socialist supporters hoist a banner of Guernica during a rally for the presidential candidate José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
Thessaloniki, 2004 - Photograph A banner with a reproduction of Guernica during a demonstration in support of Iraq and Palestine
<em>Parabólica Magazine</em>, Seville, special number, November 2004 - Magazine “A propósito de la BIACS: políticas culturales” (“About BIACS: Cultural Policies”)
<em>October</em>, no. 110, Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press (autumn, 2004): 3–22 - Essay “An Archival Impulse”
<em>New Left Review</em>, London, vol. 27 (May–June 2004): 5–21 - Article “Afflicted Powers: The State, the Spectacle and September 11”