Rome, 18 February 1954 - Institutional correspondence Eugenio Reale's letter to Pablo Picasso, dated 18 February 1954
São Paulo, 14 February 1954 - Institutional correspondence Francisco Matarazzo Sobrinho's letter to Pablo Picasso, dated 14 February 1954
1954 - Internal museum documents Instructions for packing Guernica by the Museum of Modern Art, New York
New York, 20 May 1954 - Institutional correspondence Alfred H. Barr Jr.'s telegram to Pablo Picasso, dated 20 May 1954
New York, 24 September 1954 - Institutional correspondence Alfred H. Barr Jr.'s letter to Roland Penrose, dated 24 September 1954
Rome, 24 March 1954 - Institutional correspondence Eugenio Reale's letter to Pablo Picasso, dated 24 March 1954
Rome, 24 August 1954 - Institutional correspondence Eugenio Reale's letter to Pablo Picasso, dated 24 August 1954
Rome, 15 September 1954 - Institutional correspondence Eugenio Reale's letter Pablo Picasso, dated 15 September 1954
São Paulo, 4 February 1954 - Institutional correspondence Francisco Matarazzo Sobrinho's letter to Pablo Picasso, dated 4 February 1954
New York, 16 December 1954 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Alfred H. Barr Jr. to William A. M. Burden, René d'Harnoncourt and James Thrall Soby
Paris, 25 June 1954 - Personal correspondence Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler's letter to Pablo Picasso, dated 25 June 1954
November, 2009 - Monographs Cover of the book Palestine's Guernica. A Diary of Israeli Aggression on Gaza
London, 31 May 2009 - Photograph A group of tourists strike a pose in front of a replica of Guernica during the event "A Taste of Spain"
23 February 1954 - Institutional correspondence Maurice Jardot's letter to Pablo Picasso, dated 23 February 1954
Rome, 1 January 1954 - Institutional correspondence Eugenio Reale's letter to Pablo Picasso, dated 1 January 1954
New York, 10 July 1954 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Alfred H. Barr Jr. to René d'Harnoncourt, dated 10 July 1954
Whitechapel Gallery, London, April 5, 2009 – April 18, 2010 - Exhibition Installation The Nature of the Beast, Whitechapel Art Gallery
Centro José Guerrero de Granada, Granada, January 29 – April 12, 2009 - Exhibition Martha Rosler: la casa, la calle, la cocina (The House, the Street, the Kitchen)
Gerti Fietzek (ed.), Cologne: Buchhandlung Walther König, 2009 - Essay Maria Eichhorn. The Artist's Contract