Taos (New Mexico), 2014 - Photograph Demonstration against the occupation of Gaza with a replica banner of Guernica
Taos (New Mexico), 2014 - Photograph Preparing the banner against the occupation of Gaza with a replica of Guernica
July-September 2014 - Magazines Guernica on the street during the Transition to, and early years of, democracy in Spain
Los Angeles, July 2014 - Photograph Ernest Rosenthal, a Holocaust survivor, at the demonstration of solidarity with Gaza
Grenoble, 2 August 2014 - Photograph Pro-Palestinian demonstration against Israel's military operation in Gaza
Madrid, 2011 - Photograph Protests against the depressing social situation. Spanish Revolution 2011 - 15M
21 December 2014 - Photograph Demonstration againt the Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana, also known as "ley mordaza"
Madrid, 15 Mars 2011 - Painting Replica of Guernica at Puerta del Sol - 15 M demonstrations in Madrid
November 23 - 24, 2011 - Conferences and articles Timothy J. Clark. Otra mirada al Guernica (Another look at Guernica)