London, 18 April 1980 - Institutional correspondence Nicholas Serota's letter to Roland Penrose, dated 18 April 1980
14 June 1997 - Newspapers The PNV (Basque Nationalist Party) secures a commitment from the PP (People's Party) for the temporary transfer of "Gernika" to Bilbao
6 September 1992 - Newspapers The Reina Sofía presents its Collection and becomes the century's museum of Spanish art
15 June 1997 - Newspapers Valencia believes the transfer of "Gernika" and not the Lady of Elche is unfair
London, 1939 - Photograph A speech by Clement Attlee, leader of the Labour Party, on the opening of the exhibition Guernica pictures by Picasso at the Whitechapel Art Gallery
Edinburgh, 25 January 1939 - Institutional correspondence Elizabeth Watt's letter to J.N. Duddington, dated 25 January 1939
Edinburgh, 7 April 1939 - Institutional correspondence Elizabeth Watt 's letter to J.N. Duddington, dated 7 April 1939