1975 - Internal institutional documents Report on the exhibition Avanguarda e politica: il caso spagnolo dal 1936 al 1976
1975 - Internal institutional documents Extract from the index of the catalogue for the exhibition Vanguardia artística y realidad social en el estado español: 1963/1976
Barcelona, January 1961 - Photograph Jaume Sabartés visits the Berenguer de Aguilar Palace, the future site of Museo Picasso in Barcelona
Paris, 29 June 1962 - Institutional correspondence A document signed by Jaume Sabartés to deliver the works in his possession that were intended for the future Museo Picasso
Barcelona, 1963 - Photograph Placing the Museo Picasso plaque on the outside of the Berenguer de Aguilar Palace
Mougins, 23 February 1970 - Personal correspondence A donation document for early works conserved by Picasso’s family and signed by the artist
Mougins, 10 December 1970 - Personal correspondence A telegram Mariano Miguel, Picasso’s secretary, sent to Raimon Noguera to request the cancellation of the opening ceremony for the expansion of Museo Picasso
Barcelona, 1962 - Photograph A scale model of the Berenguer de Aguilar Palace, the site of Museo Picasso in Barcelona, sent to Picasso
Paris, 20 May 1963 - Personal correspondence Jaume Sabartés’ letter to Joan Ainaud de Lasarte on placing the Museo Picasso plaque