1955 - Press release and communication Thirty individual collectors and eight national museums in Europe and the United States contribute paintings for the first Picasso retrospective in Paris since the war
23 May 1955 - Press release and communication A press release on the opening of the exhibition Picasso at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
1992-1993 - Internal museum documents Exhibition folder. Picasso: The Love and the Anguish. The Road to Guernica
September to October 1981 - Institutional correspondence Ten letters, telegrams, and some poems sent to congratulate the arrival of Picasso's Guernica at the Museo del Prado
1988-1992 - Internal museum documents Arranging the Collection: The transfer of Pablo Picasso's Guernica to the Centro de Arte Reina Sofía
Edinburgh, 25 January 1939 - Institutional correspondence Elizabeth Watt's letter to J.N. Duddington, dated 25 January 1939
Edinburgh, 7 April 1939 - Institutional correspondence Elizabeth Watt 's letter to J.N. Duddington, dated 7 April 1939