Paris, 5 May 1955 - Institutional correspondence A letter from the general secretary of Les Arts Décoratifs to the insurance company L'Union
Paris, 15 November 1955 - Institutional correspondence A letter from the general secretary of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs to the Société de la Propriété Artistique et des Dessins et Modèles (S.P.A.D.E.M.)
Paris, 17 October 1955 - Internal museum documents A note from the general secretary of the Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs
Paris, 3 August 1956 - Institutional correspondence A letter from the general secretary of Les Arts Décoratifs to the Haus der Kuns, Munich
Madrid, 12 December 1975 - Institutional correspondence A letter from José Mario Armero to M. Rosenthal
New York, 28 April 1977 - Internal institutional documents Conversation between José Mario Armero and William Rubin
Madrid, 2 September - Internal institutional documents A letter on Guernica by José Mario Armero for the Culture minister, Pío Cabanillas
19 August 1977 - Internal institutional documents Summary of the meeting between José Mario Armero and Roland Dumas
Madrid, 8 November 1977 - Internal institutional documents A letter from José Mario Armero to Pío Cabanillas, dated 8 November 1977
Madrid, 26 December 1977 - Institutional correspondence José Mario Armero's letter to Javier Gómez Navarro
Madrid, 28 December 1977 - Internal institutional documents A letter from José Mario Armero to Pío Cabanillas, dated 28 December 1977
Madrid, 29 December 1977 - Internal institutional documents A letter from José Mario Armero to Pío Cabanillas, dated 29 December 1977
Madrid, 17 September 1980 - Institutional correspondence A letter from José Mario Armero to Íñigo Cavero
New York, 10 July 1939 - Institutional correspondence Blanche Mahler's letter to Grace L. McCann Morley
2 May 1939 - Internal institutional documents A draft text for the invitation to the exhibition Picasso's Guernica at the Valentine Gallery, New York