1939 - Institutional correspondence Correspondence between the Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign and Alfred H. Barr Jr.
1939 - Internal institutional documents A list of possible donors to the Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign
Los Angeles, 1939 - Invitation Invitation to the opening of the exhibition Picasso's Masterpiece. Guernica and 63 Related Paintings and Drawings at the Stendahl Art Galleries
1939 - Internal institutional documents A list of museums and directors to which the Spanish Refugee Relief Campaign offers participation in the tour of Picasso's Guernica
Communiqué, Boston, October 4, 2012 - Press release Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Helps Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis with the Loan of a Picasso to the JFK Library and Museum
<em>Diacritics</em>, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, vol. 25, no. 2 (summer, 1995): 9–63 - Essay “Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression”