Paris, 28 October 1953 - Institutional correspondence Maria Oliva Fraga's letter to Arturo Profili, dated 28 October 1953
Paris, 5 November 1953 - Institutional correspondence Maria Oliva Fraga's letter to Arturo Profili, dated 5 November 1953
Paris, 5 May 1955 - Institutional correspondence A letter from the general secretary of Les Arts Décoratifs to the insurance company L'Union
Paris, 15 November 1955 - Institutional correspondence A letter from the general secretary of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs to the Société de la Propriété Artistique et des Dessins et Modèles (S.P.A.D.E.M.)
Paris, 17 October 1955 - Internal museum documents A note from the general secretary of the Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs
Paris, 3 August 1956 - Institutional correspondence A letter from the general secretary of Les Arts Décoratifs to the Haus der Kuns, Munich
Amsterdam, 25 January 1956 - Transport documents M. Winter's letter to Robert Giron, dated 25 January 1956
Amsterdam, 25 January 1956 - Institutional correspondence M. Winter's letter to Robert Giron, dated 25 January 1956