Toronto, 21 July 1939 - Institutional correspondence Phyllis Lane's letter to Evelyn Ahrend, dated 21 July 1939
Stockholm, 1956 - Photograph Photographs of the installation and exhibition of Guernica, avec 60 études at the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
October - December 1956 - Photograph Photograph of the installation of the exhibition Guernica, avec 60 études at the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm
Oslo, 1938 - Exhibition catalogue Catalogue of the exhibition Henri Matisse, Picasso, G. Braque, Laurens at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo
Toronto, 29 July 1939 - Institutional correspondence Phyllis Lane's letter to Evelyn Ahrend, dated 29 July 1939
Toronto, 12 August 1939 - Institutional correspondence Phyllis Lane's letter to Evelyn Ahrend, dated 12 August 1939
Toronto, 14 August 1939 - Institutional correspondence Phyllis Lane's letter to Evelyn Ahrend, dated 14 August 1939