Paris, 8 September 1937
2 documents have been found dated from 1937, created by Loeb, Denise o Loewel, A., created in Paris and related to the exhibition The Spanish Pavilion at the International Exhibition of Art and Technology in Modern Life, Paris, 1937.
- Loeb, Denise 1
- Loewel, A. 1
- Anónimo 1
- Baranger 1
- Besson, George 1
- Blunt, Anthony 1
- Carlu, Jean 1
- Cocteau, Jean 1
- Comtesse Belloni 1
- Dos Passos, John 1
- Éluard, Paul 1
- Gaos, José 4
- Gaya, Ramón 1
- Genauer, Emily 1
- Kollar, François 1
- Lefebvre, Michel 1
- Lhote, André 1
- Maar, Dora 6
- Marie-Laure 1
- Mazauric, Lucie 1
- Ossorio, Ángel 1
- Ozenfant, Amédée 1
- Picasso, Pablo 2
- Rogers, Paul P. 1
- Roness-Ruan 1
- Sadoul, Georges 1
- Vaamonde Valencia, José Lino 1
- Zervos, Christian 1
- See all