Mexico City, 26 September 1968 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Rachmael ben Avram to Nelson Rockefeller
Mexico City, 26 September 1968 - Institutional correspondence Rachmael ben Avram's letter to Carol K. Uht
Paris, 18 October 1948 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Mariano Miguel to José Ballester-Gozalvo
Jeanne Siegel (ed.), <em>Artwords: Discourse on the ‘60s and ‘70s</em>, Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1985, 101-119 - Essay “How Effective Is Social Protest Art? (Vietnam)”
Mougins, 10 December 1970 - Personal correspondence A telegram Mariano Miguel, Picasso’s secretary, sent to Raimon Noguera to request the cancellation of the opening ceremony for the expansion of Museo Picasso