Toronto, 21 July 1939 - Institutional correspondence Phyllis Lane's letter to Evelyn Ahrend, dated 21 July 1939
Madrid, 21 February 1969 - Institutional correspondence Florentino Pérez-Embid's letter to Joaquín de la Fuente
Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, vol. 16, 2010 - Magazines «This is not Guernica…» Press photos from the destruction of Guernica during Spanish Civil War
Toronto, 29 July 1939 - Institutional correspondence Phyllis Lane's letter to Evelyn Ahrend, dated 29 July 1939
Toronto, 12 August 1939 - Institutional correspondence Phyllis Lane's letter to Evelyn Ahrend, dated 12 August 1939
Toronto, 14 August 1939 - Institutional correspondence Phyllis Lane's letter to Evelyn Ahrend, dated 14 August 1939