Paris, 5 May 1955 - Institutional correspondence A letter from the general secretary of Les Arts Décoratifs to the insurance company L'Union
Paris, 15 November 1955 - Institutional correspondence A letter from the general secretary of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs to the Société de la Propriété Artistique et des Dessins et Modèles (S.P.A.D.E.M.)
Paris, 17 October 1955 - Internal museum documents A note from the general secretary of the Union Centrale des Arts Décoratifs
Paris, 3 August 1956 - Institutional correspondence A letter from the general secretary of Les Arts Décoratifs to the Haus der Kuns, Munich
ca. 1952–1956 - Internal museum documents Publicity report for the exhibition Studies for Guernica by the University of Minnesota Gallery, addressed to the Travelling Exhibitions Department at the Museum of Modern Art, New York