Paris, 14 October 1955 - Institutional correspondence A letter from the Société de la Propriété Artistique et des Dessins et Modèles (S.P.A.D.E.M.) to the Musée des Arts Décoratifs
New York, 3 December 1957 - Internal museum documents A letter from Dorothy C. Miller to Monroe Wheeler
London, 2010 - Exhibition catalogue Installation catalogue The Nature of the Beast, Whitechapel Art Gallery
Whitechapel Gallery, London, April 5, 2009 – April 18, 2010 - Exhibition Installation The Nature of the Beast, Whitechapel Art Gallery
New York, 3 May 1968 - Institutional correspondence Dorothy C. Miller's letter to Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler
New York, 21 February 1966 - Management of reproduction rights Dorothy C. Miller's letter to Pearl Moeller