New York, 9 September 1981 - Institutional correspondence An internal letter from Richard E. Oldenburg to staff at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
New York, 8 April 1981 - Press release and communication A press release from New York's Museum of Modern Art concerning a Spanish delegation's request to send Guernica to Spain
New York, 16 October 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 16 October 1981
New York, 16 October 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 16 October 1981
New York, 16 October 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 16 October 1981
30 October 1981 - Institutional correspondence John Koegel's letter to Richard E. Oldenburg, dated 30 October 1981
New York, 9 September 1981 - Press release and communication A press release from the Museum of Modern Art, New York, on the transfer day of Guernica
New York, 8 September 1981 - Photograph The staff at New York's Museum of Modern Art packing Guernica
9 September 1981 - Internal museum documents Internal communiqué from Richard Oldenburg, director of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, on the departure of Guernica
New York, 1981 - Photograph A group of people slide Guernica across the floor in the Museum of Modern Art, New York
New York, 1981 - Photograph Workers closing the wooden box containing the Guernica canvas at the Museum of Modern Art, New York
Madrid, 3 September - Institutional correspondence Carlos Robles Piquer's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 3 September
Internal institutional documents An agreement between the Spanish government and the Museum of Modern Art, New York, drawn up by the Museo del Prado's lawyers
Madrid, 10 June 1981 - Internal institutional documents A letter from Carlos Robles Piquer to Javier Tusell
Paris, 12 May 1981 - Institutional correspondence Rafael Fernández Quintanilla's letter to Carlos Robles Piquer
New York, 3 September 1981 - Internal institutional documents Inventory and conservation report on the works collected by New York's Museum of Modern Art to be sent to Spain
Paris, ca. 1981 - Institutional correspondence A communiqué from Rafael Fernández Quintanilla on the viewpoint of Pablo Picasso's heirs
ca. 1981 - Manuscript Comments on the declarations of Blanche Mahler regarding the arrival of Guernica to New York
1981 - Photograph Photographs showing Guernica being dismounted in the Museum of Modern Art, New York, to be later transported to Madrid
New York, 8 September 1981 - Photograph The Museum staff before Pablo Picasso's Guernica' prior to its shipment to Spain
ca. 1981 - Newspapers The Guernica Imbroglio. Al international Tug-of-War over Picasso's Protest Painting
New York, 10 August 1981 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Eloise Ricciardelli to Sharon Zane