New York, 11 June 1957 - Institutional correspondence Alfred H. Barr Jr.'s letter to John Rockefeller
Tokyo, 31 August 1962 - Institutional correspondence Akira Jin's letter to Carol K. Uht, dated 31 August 1962
Tokyo, 1 April 1963 - Institutional correspondence Akira Jin's letter to Pablo Picasso, dated 1 April 1963
Madrid, 8 February 1995 - Internal institutional documents A loan approval form for the exhibition Picasso: The Love and the Anguish. The road to Guernica
New York, 17 June 1957 - Institutional correspondence John Rockefeller's letter to Alfred H. Barr Jr.
New York, 11 June 1957 - Institutional correspondence Alfred H. Barr Jr.'s letter to René d'Harnoncourt, dated 11 June 1957