Madrid, 1981 - Photograph SIT employees finish placing the 'rolling bridge' in the Casón del Buen Retiro
Madrid, 1981 - Photograph SIT operators place the wooden stretcher on the Guernica canvas in the Casón del Buen Retiro
Madrid, 1981 - Photograph The finishing touches to positioning Guernica from the back in the Casón del Buen Retiro
Madrid, 1981 - Photograph Metal structure without either glass or the painting, with restorers, operators from the SIT transport company and the Guardia Civil (Spain's Military Police) in the Casón del Buen Retiro
20 February 1980 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Ricardo de la Cierva Hoces to Adolfo Suárez
New York, 24 March 1980 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Richard Oldenburg and William Rubin to Javier Tusell
Madrid, 28 June 1980 - Institutional correspondence Ricardo de la Cierva Hoces' letter to Javier Tusell
Madrid, 11 September 1980 - Institutional correspondence Javier Tusell's letter to José Pedro Pérez-Llorca
Madrid, 23 and 25 September 1980 - Institutional correspondence Alejandro de Muns' letter to Javier Tusell, with reply
3 October 1980 - Internal institutional documents A confidential letter from Spain's Ministry of Culture regarding negotiations for Guernica