Paris, 8 September 1937
6 documents have been found archived in Bibliothèque Nationale de France o Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York and related to the exhibition The Spanish Pavilion at the International Exhibition of Art and Technology in Modern Life, Paris, 1937.
Archived in
- Bibliothèque Nationale de France 5
- Museum of Modern Art Archives, New York 1
- Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica 21
- Biblioteca y Centro de Documentación, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía 17
- Musée National Picasso-Paris, Fonds Picasso 14
- Biblioteca Nacional de España 6
- Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Archivo Histórico Nacional 5
- Centre Pompidou MNAM/CCI, Paris 4
- Fondo documental del archivo de la Fundación Juan Negrin 4
- Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Archivo General de la Administración 3
- Médiathèque de l'Architecture et du Patrimoine, Ministère de la Culture, France 2
- Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía 2
- adoc-photos 1
- Album 1
- ARCA, Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues 1
- Archivo de Radiotelevisión Española 1
- British Pathé 1
- Ciné-Archives, Fonds audiovisuel du PCF 1
- Dagbladet 1
- Filmoteca de Catalunya 1
- Gaumont Pathé Archives 1
- Roland Penrose Archive, Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art Archives, Edinburgh 1
- The Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University Library 1
- The Spectator Archive 1
- See all
- The Spanish Pavilion at the International Exhibition of Art and Technology in Modern Life, Paris, 1937 6
- Picasso: 75th Anniversary, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1957 34
- Picasso: Forty Years of His Art 34
- Studies for Guernica, itinerant exhibition, USA (1952-1956) 32
- Guernica. Legado Picasso 15
- Pablo Picasso: A Retrospective 15
- A Half Century of Picasso 9
- Picasso 6
- Picasso: Epochs in His Art, 1942-1943 6
- Guernica, avec 60 études 4
- Picasso, Palazzo Reale, Milán, October-December 1953 4
- Picasso: 12 Masterworks, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1955 4
- Picasso: Guernica, Tokyo, Kyoto, Kuruma, Nagoya, 1962-1963 4
- Guernica by Picasso, and related paintings and drawings 3
- Guernica: Studies and Postscripts, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1967 2
- Picasso, the Second São Paulo Biennial, 1953–1954 2
- Picasso Between the Wars, 1919-1939, Museum of Modern Art, Nueva York, 1952 2
- Large-Scale Modern Paintings 1
- Picasso in the Museum of Modern Art: 80th Birthday Exhibition, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1962 1
- See all