Valencia, 11 March 1937 - Internal institutional documents Report on the Paris International Exhibition
Paris, 1937 - Photograph Views of the Spanish Pavilion at the Paris International Exhibition of Art and Technology in Modern Life
25 September and 11 October 1972 - Personal correspondence A letter from Catherine Freedberg to Roland Penrose, including the reply
Paris, 3 November 1980 - Institutional correspondence Dominique Bozo's letter to Josep Lluís Sert, dated 3 November 1980
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 29 November 1980 - Institutional correspondence Josep Lluís Sert's letter to Dominique Bozo
Paris, 23 December 1980 - Institutional correspondence Dominique Bozo's letter to Josep Lluís Sert, dated 23 December 1980
1937 - Photograph Description of the Spanish Pavilion at the International Exhibition of Art and Technology in Modern Life
12 July 1937 - Manuscript Notes from the speech at the embassy reception, in conjunction with the opening of the Spanish Pavilion
Paris, 1937 - Exhibition catalogue Official catalogue for the International Exhibition of Arts and Techniques for Modern Life
Paris, September-October 1937 - Magazines Offical magazine of the International Exhibition of Arts and Techniques for Modern Life
3 December 1937 - Newspapers Picasso's Guernica included in an exhibition in Oslo, Copenhagen and Stockholm
Valencia, 31 May 1937 - Internal institutional documents Design brief of the Spanish Republic's Pavilion
Paris, 1937 - Photograph The Spanish Pavilion under construction with the Eiffel Tower in the background
Paris, 1937 - Photograph The inside of the Spanish Pavilion under construction at the Paris International Exhibition
Valencia, 27 February 1981 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Manuel García y García to Javier Tusell, dated 27 February 1981
Paris, 1937 - Exhibition catalogue Official catalogue of The International Exhibition of Arts and Technology in Modern Life