New York, 20 March 1980 - Internal institutional documents An agreement over the conditions and delivery date of Guernica
Paris, June-July 1955 - Institutional correspondence Letters from José Rojas Moreno to Alberto Martín-Artajo Álvarez
Bonn, 16 February 1956 - Institutional correspondence Antonio Mª Aguirre's letter to Alberto Martín-Artajo Álvarez
20 February 1980 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Ricardo de la Cierva Hoces to Adolfo Suárez
New York, 24 March 1980 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Richard Oldenburg and William Rubin to Javier Tusell
Madrid, 28 June 1980 - Institutional correspondence Ricardo de la Cierva Hoces' letter to Javier Tusell
Madrid, 11 September 1980 - Institutional correspondence Javier Tusell's letter to José Pedro Pérez-Llorca
Madrid, 23 and 25 September 1980 - Institutional correspondence Alejandro de Muns' letter to Javier Tusell, with reply
3 October 1980 - Internal institutional documents A confidential letter from Spain's Ministry of Culture regarding negotiations for Guernica
Madrid, 5 November 1980 - Institutional correspondence A letter from Íñigo Cavero to Blanche de Philip P. Weisberg (Blanche Mahler)
1980 - Internal institutional documents Report by the Management Board of Artistic Heritage, Archives and Museums on the moral rights and legislation with regard to Guernica
Madrid, 11 December 1980 - Internal institutional documents Javier Tusell's report on negotiations for the transfer of Guernica
Madrid, 21 October 1981 - Internal institutional documents A technical report on the installation and state of preservation of Guernica
Madrid, 3 September - Institutional correspondence Carlos Robles Piquer's letter to Javier Tusell, dated 3 September
Madrid, 1981 - Photograph Zenithal view of the reproduction of Guernica to test the installation in the Casón del Buen Retiro