November, 2009 - Monographs Cover of the book Palestine's Guernica. A Diary of Israeli Aggression on Gaza
Madrid, January 1986 - Monographs Didactic Guide on Spanish Painting in the Museo del Prado, developed by the Education Office
Paris, 1937 - Monographs The International Exhibition of Arts and Technology in Modern Life, Paris, 1937. Official album with colour photographs
New York: Praeger Publishers Inc., 1973 - Essay Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972
<em>Diacritics</em>, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, vol. 25, no. 2 (summer, 1995): 9–63 - Essay “Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression”
<em>October</em>, no. 110, Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press (autumn, 2004): 3–22 - Essay “An Archival Impulse”
<em>Archive Fever: Uses of the Document in Contemporary Art</em>. New York: International Center of Photography, exh. cat., 2008, 11–51 - Essay “Archive Fever: Photography between History and the Monument”
Gerti Fietzek (ed.), Cologne: Buchhandlung Walther König, 2009 - Essay Maria Eichhorn. The Artist's Contract
Jeanne Siegel (ed.), <em>Artwords: Discourse on the ‘60s and ‘70s</em>, Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1985, 101-119 - Essay “How Effective Is Social Protest Art? (Vietnam)”
Ellen C. Oppler (ed.), <em>Picasso’s Guernica</em>, New York and London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1988, 236–238 - Essay “How Effective Is Social Protest Art? (Vietnam)”