New York, 20 July 1979 - Press release and communication A communiqué from the Museum of Modern Art, New York, about moving Guernica
1955 - Press release and communication Thirty individual collectors and eight national museums in Europe and the United States contribute paintings for the first Picasso retrospective in Paris since the war
23 May 1955 - Press release and communication A press release on the opening of the exhibition Picasso at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
New York, 2 June 1957 - Press release and communication Picasso: 75th Anniversary. Record breaking crowds
New York, 8 April 1981 - Press release and communication A press release from New York's Museum of Modern Art concerning a Spanish delegation's request to send Guernica to Spain
New York, 9 September 1981 - Press release and communication A press release from the Museum of Modern Art, New York, on the transfer day of Guernica
November, 2009 - Monographs Cover of the book Palestine's Guernica. A Diary of Israeli Aggression on Gaza
Madrid, January 1986 - Monographs Didactic Guide on Spanish Painting in the Museo del Prado, developed by the Education Office