Viladecans (Barcelona), 1985 - Stickers II Jornadas per la pau. Viladecans´s 85. Our desire for Peace is stronger than the atomic bomb!!
Cover of <em>Esquire: The Magazine for Men</em>, New York, November 1, 1970 - Magazine “The Confessions of Lt. Calley”
Cover of <em>Life</em>, New York, May 15, 1970 - Magazine “Tragedy at Kent. Cambodia and Dissent: The Crisis of Presidential Leadership”
<em>October</em>, Boston, no. 123 (winter 2008) - Magazine “In what ways have artists, academics, and cultural institutions responded to the U.S. led invasion and occupation of Iraq?”
<em>Parabólica Magazine</em>, Seville, special number, November 2004 - Magazine “A propósito de la BIACS: políticas culturales” (“About BIACS: Cultural Policies”)
Cover of <em>Newsweek</em>, New York, December 8, 1969 - Magazine “The Killings at Song My. Accused: Lt. William L. Calley Jr.”
Cover of <em>Time</em>, New York, December 5, 1969 - Magazine “THE MASSACRE. Where Does the Guilt Lie?”