London, 31 May 2009 - Photograph A group of tourists strike a pose in front of a replica of Guernica during the event "A Taste of Spain"
Photograph Demonstrators seen holding a banner with the image of Guernica, in protest against the invasion of Iraq
Pamplona, 2015 - Photograph Two people walk in front of a reproduction of part of Guernica during the San Fermín bull runs
Los Angeles, 3 March 2003 - Photograph A replica of Guernica with the UN logo projected at the intersection of Hollywood and Sunset Boulevard
Madrid, 6 November 2012 - Photograph Banners with fragments of Guernica in protests against healthcare cutbacks in the Princesa Hospital
Kabul, 2010 - Photograph The ISAF commander and the head of Nato in Afghanistan, David H. Petraeus, visits a crafts market
Kalkata, 2007 - Photograph Banners with fragments of Guernica in a demonstration against violence in Nandigram
Grenoble, 2 August 2014 - Photograph Pro-Palestinian demonstration against Israel's military operation in Gaza
Barcelona, 16 February 2013 - Photograph Demonstration against evictions in Spain. Citizens protest against the mortgage law that causes suicides
Madrid, 2011 - Photograph Protests against the depressing social situation. Spanish Revolution 2011 - 15M
Londres, 27 de junio de 2007 - Photograph Anti Tony Blair Iraq war demonstration at the door of the new London home of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair
21 December 2014 - Photograph Demonstration againt the Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana, also known as "ley mordaza"