Spain Celebrates. Guernica Arrives!
«L’Espagne en fête. “Guernica” arrive!», Rivarol, num. 1491, September 20 , 1979. A sardonic review about Guernica’s transfer to Spain published by the ultra-right French newspaper Rivarol. In the piece, the author recalls the French politician Gaston Palewski’s description of the painting as “A cry of impassioned reproach against the horrors of war”, which was published in both left- and right-wing newspapers (which he describes as strange), and announces that Jacqueline Picasso has recently ended the suspense over the final location of the painting: the Museo del Prado, in which a special room will be mounted. The author closes the article by sarcastically posing the question of whether the works of Velázquez and Goya shall now have to be moved to less notable places in order for Guernica to be duly honoured.