Madrid, 10 September 1981 - Photograph The boxes protecting Guernica are taken out of the lorries and taken into the Casón del Buen Retiro
Sao Paulo, 25 March 1985 and Madrid, 2 April 1985 - Institutional correspondence The loan of Guernica denied for Brazil exhibition
Madrid, 15 March 1986 - Institutional correspondence Letter from Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez to Dionisio Hernández Gil
New York and Madrid, June 1988 - Institutional correspondence Correspondence between William Rubin and Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez
1988-1989 - Institutional correspondence Correspondence related to the Guernica exhibition project at the Museum Boymans-van Beuningen in Rotterdam
August-September 1990 - Institutional correspondence Correspondence on an exhibition project in Hiroshima
Paris, 1937 - Photograph The Spanish Pavilion at the Paris International Exhibition of Art and Technology in Modern Life